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Various Levels of Attack a Ballistic Barrier Can Resist

  • Date: May 28, 2018
  • Author: Admin
  • Categories:


Ballistic_DuraBarrier.jpgFor the best protection possible against a ballistic attack, a multitude of businesses and government agencies rely on a “ballistic barrier.” Even that term sounds imposing, which it is. Unfortunately, the world today poses many threats, not only internationally but also domestically. Just looking at the news, you see story after story about criminals or terrorists who either try or succeed in carrying out attacks against people and infrastructure.

Whether the attack involves a handgun, shotgun, or a high-powered automatic assault rifle, you cannot take too many precautions. Damage to infrastructure can cause a wide variety of problems. For instance, significant damage to a large transformer could leave millions of people without power, not to mention the devastating financial impact.

As homeland crime and terrorist threats increase, it becomes more critical than ever to take appropriate action to protect infrastructure. Fortunately, there are several viable solutions. For instance, reputable companies that manufacture ballistic panels design them to meet UL752, which is the standard for Bullet-Resisting Equipment with levels 1 to 10. The other option is panels that meet the Ballistic Testing Standard for levels IIA to IV, established by the National Institute of Justice.

Today, there is no way to be too safe, primarily as the number, type, and intensity of attacks increase. You can also add to your list by selecting from a broad range of enclosures, walls, and panels that stop a fire from spreading. Using these products is another efficient way of protecting vital infrastructure.

When looking at different products to keep your business or organization safe, it is imperative that you buy from a reputable company. You want products made with the best-quality materials and designed for the highest levels of protection against threats. Not only do you want to keep infrastructure safe, but you also want to protect the people who work for your business or government agency.

DuraSystems – Your Most Trusted Source

For optimal protection of infrastructure, the products offered by DuraSystems are unbeatable. If you want to invest in the future of your company or organization, now is the time to act. Contact us today and we will gladly assess your situation and make a professional recommendation.
